DanRese 1.0.1-3 [DEB DOWNLOAD]

Monday, March 31st, 2014


This tweak automatically DUNGEON RESET.
The current version is only displayed in Japanese,it also works in English.

Use Puzzle Dragons from App Store

Instructions:This tweak is launched from the Activator.
You can start by pressing ”START!” button.
Window will close automatically and then done.
Please back to game.

Visit Support Site Adolfoi.info
Configure Activator from Settings.

Compatibility iOS 6.1 & iOS7.0

DanRese 1.0.1-3 [DEB DOWNLOAD]
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How To manually Install deb files on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch 
* Please Read Our Disclaimer 
* Please Buy via Cydia if you like this tweak

via Blogger http://ift.tt/P8rQZX

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