Colendar 1.1.1-1 [DEB DOWNLOAD]

Monday, March 31st, 2014


Requires iOS 7

Making a beautiful, colorful Calendar has never been easier. With Colendar’s flexible and enticingly advanced settings, you can take control of your Calendar icon like never before. Whether it’s to make the icon feel more at home, drastically change it’s appearance, or simply remove unnecessary labels, Colendar is an advanced theming utility for all iOS users. And with many updates to come, it’s more than worth your two bucks.

Colendar currently supports both the default Calendar app and rpetrich’s Gregorian app. Colendar plays nice with all iOS 7 devices (including arm64), but has yet to be tested on earlier versions of iOS (please let us know if you’d be willing to test for us)!
Configure options from Settings.

– Fixed a minor “Reset to Defaults” redraw and compatibility problem (added a small note to the footer)

Colendar 1.1.1-1 [DEB DOWNLOAD]
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How To manually Install deb files on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch 
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